Thursday 4 October 2012

Wine, Wine, Wine - taking the edge off suburbia

I love a glass of wine at the end of the day.

Somehow it feels grown up and a little bit posh.

It feels like I'm doing something for myself.

And most importantly it takes the edge off the tension of the day and makes me a more relaxed Mum and wife.

And all of that is fine but, as we all know, having a huge glass of wine every night isn't good for your health or for your waist line.

Why are the divine things in life always a bit bad for you??

I was chatting a with a lovely lady the other day who is about the same age as my Mum. I made a comment about wanting a glass of wine and she said:

"Not for me thanks. I try not to drink too much now to make up for how much I drank when my kids were little."

Which made me laugh until I cried (possibly that was partly hysteria and sleep deprivation!).

Certainly when my step-sons came to live with us at the same time that I got a huge and very stressful promotion I used to have a glass of wine or two every night.

It was honestly the only way I could cope - I was so tired and overwhelmed and without a glass of wine I was either too exhausted to talk or just really, really cross with everyone.

And I've certainly drunk my fair share of wine since I had Wild Man - as it turns out I'm a coffee in the morning, wine in the evening kind of Mum.

The uppers and downers of suburbia.

But just at the moment I'm doing Weight Watchers (why are those last five baby kilos SO hard to lose?) and wine is a lot of points so there isn't much drinking going on in our house.

And it turns out that I don't NEED a glass of wine in the evening. I just WANT one.

And I'm kind of relieved to find that out, to be honest.

As it turns out, what with the irritation of having small kids and tonnes of housework to do every day, I wasn't sure whether it was a need or a want any more. Phew!

Do you drink much? Do you spend the afternoon hanging out for 'wine o'clock"? Do you feel guilty about it? 

If you think you might have a drinking problem you can find more information and help at Drink Wise Australia.

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